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Back To The Paddock

Aug 22, 2023

Did you know the way you breathe impacts the way you look, think and feel... for years to come. So when we're talking about setting up your little ones for a thriving start to life, the way they breathe is a topic we need to lean into, learn and allow them to master. 

To talk us through this important topic, I have with me Tash Duffin- an Occupational Therapist trained in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, paediatric feeding, infant and early childhood sleep quality and infant reflux. She is a mother of three vivacious, exuberant children and the founder of Whole Child Co.  

What You'll Learn In This Episode:

  • Tash's story that lead her into the work she does with children health.
  • Why nose breathing is so so important for baby’s, children and adults. 
  • The difference between nose and mouth breathing.
  • Common causes of baby’s who are mouth breathing and what to do about it.
  • When surgery should be considered (removal of tonsils or adenoids) to overcome mouth breathing.
  • Tongue, cheek, lip ties- what are they are how can they impact baby’s in the short and long term.
  • Laser treatment for baby’s and children tongue lip and cheek ties- the pros and cons.
  • What reflux & silent reflux is in baby’s and how does this impact their wellbeing.
  • The main triggers and causes of reflux and Tash's thoughts on PPI’s as a treatment.
  • The best cups and water bottles to use for your baby's orofacial development.
  • Plus more!


Listen in and let me know your biggest takeaways across on socials:

GlowingMumma.ThrivingBubba INSTAGRAM: @GlowingMumma.ThrivingBubba

Kasey's FACEBOOK page: @KaseyWillsonNaturopath