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Back To The Paddock

Mar 27, 2023

I don't drink milk, but I'm thinking of getting a milking cow for our little farm. Crazy right?

But when I say I don't drink milk, that's the pasteurised version of cows milk. The raw, enzyme rich, fresh milk from our own cow will be something else. Oh and I'll be lining up for the cream too- delicious homemade butter on tap!

I also think it will be so wholesome for my girls to grow up taking care of, helping to milk and of course, benefiting nutritionally from having our own family milking cow. Something I too had snippets of growing up. 

So when I shared our vison for our little farm on instagram, one of my patents said I just had to follow Mary-anne from Korinya Farm Gate. I jumped across to her page, took a quick scroll and instantly fell in love with what they've created from their homestead and the inspiring life they lead for their children. 

Whether having a large scale farm, productive backyard or some herb pots to handpick is a dream for you, you'll love this down to earth chat between a Naturopath & passionate farmer and homesteading Mum. 

Mary-anne Mickan, along with her husband Scott and four children are a family of full time farmers & homesteaders of Korinya Farm Gate. 

 Mary-anne is passionate about her family - their health and wholeness is always her priority. She adores milking their small dairy herd, growing food & cooking with nutrient dense ingredients. The use of essential oils, herbs, minerals and homeopathic remedies support her family and livestock on a daily basis. 

Korinya farm gate is a family owned and operated business with a focus on family, sustainability, education and passion for the animals. Their passion lies in the holistic way - from paddock, to plate, for you. 

In between milking, homeschooling and homesteading duties, I recorded a chat with Mary-anne to learn about this wholesome way of living and farming in a regenerative way.   

Here is episode 84 of the Glowing Mumma Thriving Bubba podcast.