Jul 18, 2022
If I asked you what you thought about your period, what would you say?
Do you feel self conscious because of pre period puffiness? Are your breasts sore and tender too?
Do you dread the pain that you suffer with as your period arrives? Or is inconvenient a better description due to your heavy flow?
If you're suffering from stubborn cycle symptoms, it's likely your hormonal system needs a service. These symptoms described are just some that are contributed by a hormone imbalance, called oestrogen dominance.
As a Naturopath, I've seen all sorts of hormone imbalances, ranging from high to low sex, thyroid and adrenal hormones, impacting cycles, skin, weight, moods and more. But I'd have to say the most common imbalance I've come across in clinical practice, is heightened oestrogen levels.
There are multiple reasons your body can have high levels of oestrogen- from overproduction, poor detoxification due to sluggish liver and gut health, as well as the endocrine disrupting substances which mimic oestrogen actions in your body. It's no wonder as you're likley bombarded with these synthetic oestrogens on a daily basis through your food and environment. Yikes!
The heightened oestrogen levels lead to frustrating symptoms and can fuel debilitating conditions like endometriosis.
So if you're intrigued to learn more about these symptoms, causes and most importantly, what you can do about it... tune into my chat with Dr Andrea Huddleston in episode 71 of the Glowing Mumma Thriving Bubba podcast.
We cover:
What oestrogen dominance is and the symptoms and conditions that are associated with this hormone imbalance.
At what point should you consider investigation for endometriosis
What endometriosis is, what symptoms are involved, and how this may impact your health and fertility.
What contributing factors are for endometriosis.
Why endometriosis is so prevalent.
Diagnostic tests and conventional treatment options for endometriosis.
The difference between excision and ablation surgery for endometriosis.
Importance of supporting the body holistically when it comes to preventing and treating endo.
Top natural medicine tips if you suffer from endometriosis.
PODCAST SHOWNOTES: https://www.glowingmumma.com/blog/episode71
FERTILITY ENHANCING DETOX PRACTISES (free guidance): https://www.glowingmumma.com/fertility-enhancing
GLOWING MUMMA INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/glowingmumma.thrivingbubba/
GLOWING MUMMA THRIVING BUBBA FACEBOOOK: https://www.facebook.com/KaseyWillsonNaturopath